Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy (Late) Birthday Liam

I just want to wish him a small happy birthday, because all of us wishing him happy birthday makes it big. He has grown so much, and come such a long way. I'm proud to say I love him.

(Also, my birthday is in two days..Just saying.)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Get your tissues

Liam and Sophia

Zayn's getting married

Louis and Eleanor

Niall and Ellie are a possibility

Harry has a crush


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yay Zayn and Perrie!

I feel so happy for them! Even if I don't know them personally, I would like to send my love and support to them for a happy wedding.

All the love,


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

This is getting out of hand

I know there are some people who ship Larry, and some who ship Elounor. Even if you do, there is no need for fighting. If you have to yell at people in the same fandom, why are you in the fandom? Also, why do you need to make their girlfriends sound terrible? I know half of the directioners that love One Direction, its illegal to date them.

For some reason, Larry shippers have decided to kill themselves because of something stupid. I'm not trying to say that you need to stop saying that you think Larry's going to come out. But if they do, I can almost bet that its not going to happen while they are extremely famous.

To me, I don't ship either Larry or Elounor. It just gets me so pissed off when I try to enjoy something One Direction related, and all I get is people yelling at each other, or saying that everything isn't true.

Sorry for my little rant.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hey guys. I'm thinking about doing some 5sos stuff. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


As you know, the American part of the tour is over. This really sucks because where I live, they only played one concert and in other places they got three or four.

So, this is just a little goodbye to the boys. I hope they come back soon.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Harry Twerking

Did you guys see it? It was like. Wow.
This was made in a matter of minutes.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Harry Imagine

"Hey Y/N! Where did you put the remote?" Harry yelled, running into the kitchen.

"I don't know, why?" You ask, shutting the fridge door.

He smiled brightly. "Louis texted me and told me there's a story of us on the news." His face then fell. "But I can't find the remote..."

You sighed lightly and looked him over for a minute. "Harry sweetie. The remotes in your back pocket." You told him sweetly.

It was like Harry got slapped in the face with a happy stick because he raced to the living room and changed the channel.

Walking in, you sat down next to him and watched.

"As for our new hot couple; Harry Styles and Y/N." She stopped for a moment while a picture flashed. "While most girls will love to be in Y/N's place, nothing can faze her! All the hate comments, drama with Harry's past girlfriend's, and of course, being a celebrity couple!" She smiled at the camera. "We had the viewers cast their vote on them and lets see what they said."

Harry looked at you and smiled. "I know they said something good! I know it!"

The woman unfolded a paper and read over the result. "Everyone has decided, that Harry Styles and Y/N make an amazing couple!"

"Told you." Harry muttered.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shout outs

Hey guys, I'm going to do some shout outs. All you have to do is Tweet me @EmilyMStlouis

Make sure you do it!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Young Harry

Is it  me, or when Harry was my age; he was sill really good looking.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Song of the Week!

This weeks song of the week is....What Makes You Beautiful!
(And 'oldie')

Zux!? Maddness!

I have heard about 'Zux' fan fiction.
People are sick

(No picture for this)

Have you heard the rumors?

All of these rumors are going to kill me.

Louis joining a soccer team

Harry being a judge

Two year break

This fandom is going to kill me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013